Dug into a mountainside, the hockey arena is well concealed and energy-efficient.
Yes; where else can they be so well concealed?
But that "other world" is well concealed from man, that dehumanised, inhuman world, which is a celestial naught; and the bowels of existence do not speak unto man, except as man.
My demeanour might well be consistent with a concealed emotion.
Well, it worked as a Horcrux is supposed to work - in other words, the fragment of soul concealed inside it was kept safe and had undoubtedly played its part in preventing the death of its owner.
"I need you two as well!" he called to Ron and Hermione, who had been skulking, half concealed, in the doorway of the sitting room.
Its roof is set down well below the level of the tree canopy, while four sunken courtyards are concealed behind the walls.
The significance of concealed work, the main forms of concealing, causes of problems concerning concealed work, as well as means dealing with them are expounded.
The rifles were well-concealed in the false-bottomed kitbags but for some reason the rifle was found and the customs man, running from the scene, sounded the alarm.
Large, well-concealed RCTs of sufficient power are urgently needed.