Connection pooling ACTS upon connections and disconnections.
The rate of disconnections following non-payment of water charges is rising .
Each server Maintains Its Own connection Index, Broadcast incoming connections and disconnections to all servers.
The selective impairment might reflect the cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical disconnections in the pathomechanism of AD.
While at first blush this seems reasonable, we quickly see that it is only because of the disconnections and bias inherent in our culture.
Connection pooling removes the performance overhead when connections (and subsequently disconnections) to the messaging middleware are made.
Staff in one hospital reported many inadvertent disconnections with a new reusable extension cable that was supposed to connect the lead to the pacemaker.
Those disconnections make it fanciful to suppose that the nascent dialogue between China and India will lead to rapid breakthroughs in economic co-operation.
Using context cache is an effective way to reduce the overhead of context access, decrease the amount of information transmission and improve the application availability when disconnections occur.
The result shows that the connective variations, i. e. connections or disconnections in the self-reconfiguration are reduced, which to improves the efficiency of self-reconfiguration for MSR robots.