So newspapers were monopolies, and local TV stations were oligopolies.
That's the money that you have paid to the oligopolies in credit CARDS industry.
Private oligopolies and state energy monopolies still survive in Mexico, for example.
From telecoms to insurance, China is full of service oligopolies that need to be broken up.
Both, for instance, have banking oligopolies that have long accepted tough regulation as a cost of their market power.
Its telecommunications, television, cement, banking and brewing industries, among others, are oligopolies or near-monopolies.
There is clearly some tension between financial-stability goals and the tenets of competition policy, which hold that oligopolies are inefficient and serve consumers badly.
A fall in coal prices, caused by a glut of gas, is cutting energy bills, whereas still-high oil prices discourage firms from trucking in cement over long distances, preserving local oligopolies.
天然气供过于求造成的煤价下跌使能源费用有所下降; 不过,水泥公司碍于依旧高企的油价难以长途运输水泥,各地水泥市场仍是本地厂商垄断的局面。