Sensation-seekers feel that danger is very exciting.
Although good posture should be natural, you may feel wooden or stiff at first if you've forgotten the sensation of sitting and standing up straight.
It gives smokers a temporary 'feel good' sensation, and makes them crave for more.
I feel a very unusual sensation - if it is not indigestion, I think it must be gratitude. "- Benjamin Disraeli."
The pump sensation you feel in the forearms is largely the result of accumulated lactic acid and restricted blood flow.
If you're washing a dish, do it slowly, and feel every sensation.
I extend afinger as an anemone taste test and feel only a faint sticky sensation.
When the healer performs energy work on you, you may feel your body getting warmer or you may get a tingling sensation in certain parts of your body.
We do feel a slight sense of redundant boredom, yet we immediately fall numb to the rhythmic sensation of familiarity in a zone of absolute comfort.
High five that you have arrived; that you will feel that there is a different sensation in what you think of as your five senses, that you are hearing, seeing, perceiving differently.
I feel this film brought me a lot of sensation, also let me learn a lot of commendable spirit.
Also, many people who have head lice can feel them moving around on their head, causing a tickling, crawling sensation.
After awhile you will feel a tremendous lead-like sensation in the frontal lobe.
Once you begin to feel the sensation of electromagnetic energies between your palms, move them slowly to and fro.
Know that sensation when you're working out or cranking on a project, and time starts to pass quickly, distractions melt away, and you feel like you're in the zone?
The droning change into a deep buzzing and I am suddenly lifting free, I feel a slight falling, buzzing sensation.
Can you feel that tingling sensation? It may be your last.
If you do feel something, it is a quick prick sensation.
One other sensation you may feel is the a tickling sensation on the face, this is normal.
As feel light, except you experience light translated through auditory sensation.
Pause and feel the weight of your body in your seat, the feeling of the fabric against your skin, andthe slight sensation of the air on your face.
I extend a finger as an anemone taste test and feel only a faint sticky sensation.
I've been here only a few weeks and I feel a rather mission-accomplished sensation already.
Now, the question then arises: If I simply watch another person being touched, why do I not get confused and literally feel that touch sensation merely by watching somebody being touched?
When hydrogen ions accumulate, it becomes difficult for the muscles to contract. That makes running feel more strenuous, and causes that distinct burning sensation we feel after a challenging workout.