It is loneliness that makes you different, not gregariousness.
Extroversion, for example, encompasses traits such as gregariousness and warmth.
They often mistake emotional intelligence for a form of charisma or gregariousness.
Man n's gregariousness and his knowledge about poverty, and is directly proportional to the tacky.
人的合群性大概和他知识的贫乏,以及俗气成正比。 。——《叔本华人生哲学》。
Within these structures, the market offers the opportunities to attain status, while the monopoly of power and the geometric gregariousness are the obstacles for high stat...
Psychologist Professor Dan Fessler, of the University of California, Los Angeles, says our gregariousness "poses a challenge.".. because those groups of course provide a source of temptation.
位于洛杉矶的美国加州大学的心理学家丹费斯勒教授Dan Fessler说,“我们的群体性却提出了一项挑战,因为这些群体…当然的会提供诱惑的源泉。”